• Durabird Charity Tournament

    Club 28, Philadelphia was the site for the first ever charity event hosted by Northeast Badminton Association for the JUDY DEVLIN FUND. The organizers of the said event are two junior athletes from NJ Viswanath Nair and Jason Zhan. From nothing, they dreamed of finding a way to contribute to their beloved sport and decided


    Ashburn, VA Last weekend of September became the venue for lots of badminton action in the Yonex cup held by Northern Virginia Badminton Club. With cash prizes starting at $3000 plus medals and prizes, the badminton community turned out despite the stormy weather. Offering all events in the open category, 80+ and junior events it


    Concord, NC- This town 30 minutes from Charlotte was home for a week for over 363 junior athletes from all over the country as they compete in the biggest tournament in the junior circuit. USA Junior Nationals are usually held on the 1st week of July, but this year USA Badminton combined the Junior trials

  • Presley Smith and Sri Kolla NE Team USA

    An afternoon with USA MD representative to PAN AMERICAN BADMINTON CHAMPIONSHIPSheld in Guatemala city, Guatemala from April 28-May 2, 2021

  • Upcoming events

    Summer is on it’s way and while the weather starts to heat up, it’s time to get our feet wet and a few events you might be all interested in! PA STATES 2021 – June 5-6 King of Prussia, PA https://smashville.us/go/pastates2021/ IBC WOMEN’S DOUBLE BOBA TEA CUP – June 6, 2021 IBC2 10 New Maple